Legislative Lead Interest Form

Legislative Lead Interest Form
Please fill out this form if you would like to be a part of the Legislative Leads group. This is a sub-group of the Policy & Advocacy Committee of CT CAN End Homelessness. Since front-line homeless services staff are vital to the representation of our system in the legislative process, this group will aim to increase staff participation and leadership in advocacy of all kinds, while offering support and connection to other advocates.
The basic format will include monthly one-hour meetings outside of regular Policy & Advocacy Committee meetings, as well as planned attendance at legislative hearings and outreach events (e.g. press conferences, rallies). Monthly meetings will cover topics such as understanding the context the legislative session and of state and local policy; planning and delivering legislative testimony; writing an op-ed from your unique perspective; de-mystifying legislator outreach; and working alongside other housing and homelessness-focused groups to support a common goal.