Vision + Mission

Vision + Mission
Our Vision:
To prevent and solve homelessness in Connecticut.
Our Mission:
Our mission is to catalyze transformative change to solve homelessness in Connecticut by ensuring equitable and effective responses to emergency situations and fostering long-term solutions through collaboration with providers, state agencies, and communities.
Our Core Values:
1. Right to Housing: Everyone should have access to a sustainable, safe, decent, permanent, and affordable home with services and support, if necessary.
2. Integrity: We uphold the highest ethical standards, ensuring transparency, confidentiality, and accountability.
3. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: We model and promote these values, advocating for gender, race, and economic equity, and the full diversity of lived experience.
4. Humanity: We serve all people at risk of or experiencing homelessness with respect, humility and without judgment.
5. Shared Commitment: We believe the key to solving homelessness is coming together as a community with aligned and integrated actions.
6. Resilient Agility: We favor action and learning, emphasizing the importance of bouncing back from setbacks and using those experiences for growth and success..
7. Demonstrable Impact: We are committed to achieving our mission through data-driven decisions, innovation, and systemic transformation.