Get Involved
Together, WE CAN end homelessness in Connecticut.
Volunteer for the Annual Point-in-Time and Youth Outreach and Count
Do you want to learn about homelessness in your community? The Connecticut Coalition to End Homelessness and its members are looking for volunteers to participate in this year’s Point-in-Time Count on the evening of January 21st, and in the Youth Count and Outreach Project, which will take place the following week. Volunteers will attend a brief training before hitting the streets in teams to identify how many people are living in emergency shelters or in places not meant for habitation.
For additional information about the Point-in-Time and Youth Outreach and Count, please visit our FAQ, or:
For more information about the Point-in-Time Count, please contact:
Mike Apotsos at or 860-721-7876 x114
For more information about the Youth Outreach and Count, please contact:
Carl Asikainen at or 860-721-7876 x106
Join the Coalition
Coalition membership is open to any agency/provider, individual, student, faith-based organization, or business concerned with preventing and ending homelessness, increasing affordable housing and achieving economic justice in Connecticut. Membership can be established by setting up a recurring contribution of $20/month. Members receive the CCEH monthly newsletter and discounts at the CCEH Annual Training Institute each May. You can sign up for membership by setting up your recurring donation here and checking the box for a monthly donation. You will then get a thank you note from us to confirm your membership. You can also contact Madeline Ravich to become a member at 860-721-7876 x 107 or
We believe no person or family should have to experience homelessness. Thanks to donations from supporters like you, Connecticut was the first state in the country to end chronic veteran homelessness and is working to end chronic homelessness in 2016 and family homelessness by 2022. But we can’t do it without your help. Donate today.
Support efforts at the state legislature and in Washington, D.C. to end homelessness by joining our Advocacy Committee. Write and call your elected officials, testify at the state legislature or get involved in advocacy efforts in your community.
Learn more about homelessness, and tell your friends, your neighbors, and your colleagues that we can solve this social injustice. Learn about homelessness in Connecticut right now by viewing the most recent Point-in-Time and Youth Count reports. Read through recent news. Learn about the Reaching Home Campaign’s framework to end homelessness in Connecticut.
Stay Informed
Join our email list to receive information about upcoming training, reminders, and our monthly newsletter.
Friend us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter!
Hold a “bear-raiser” drive
Hold a drive to benefit local families! You can sponsor a family by holding a drive at Right now, while supplies last, for every $25 you raise, a bear or book will be given to a child in a local shelter; thanks to our sponsors, funds you raise will go towards an emergency financial assistance fund to help local families remain housed. You can also sign up to hold a gift card drive for CCEH to use to help local youth experiencing homelessness. To hold a drive, contact Madeline Ravich at (773) 339-3600 or
Volunteer for a pro bono projects or join the CCEH Private Sector Working Group
Volunteers from the private sector play an important role in our efforts, providing invaluable expertise in marketing, communications, and information technology. CCEH welcomes teams of volunteers from Connecticut companies to consult with us on a pro bono basis. Those interested in long-term involvement with our efforts can also join the Private Sector Working Group, a team of volunteers from businesses around the state who meet for lunch every other month to learn about specific initiatives and explore how they can leverage their skill-base, networks, and resources to advance our efforts to end homelessness. To explore pro bono consulting projects or to learn more about our Private Sector Working Group, please contact Madeline Ravich at (773) 339-3600 or