USICH is currently gathering public input to revise the federal strategic plan to prevent and end homelessness. 

They ask that you use the following to help guide your input and/or recommendations:

  • If you were to propose one new initiative that the federal government is not doing now what would it be?
  • Outside of prior USICH federal strategic plan focuses, what else might the federal government do to prevent and/or reduce homelessness?
  • What is one activity the federal government is doing that you believe should be deprioritized?
  • What is one activity that the federal government is doing well and that should be prioritized? 
  • Overall, what would you say the top 3 federal priorities should be as they relate to preventing and ending homelessness?
  • In terms of homelessness, what areas are in need of greater attention at the federal, state, and local levels?
  • Anything else you wish to add?

Do you have recommendations you’d like to share?

Enter your comments below or email The comment period ends July 11.

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