Sue Killmeyer
National Director of Training
Child First, Inc.
35 Nutmeg Drive
Trumbull, CT, 06611
As the National Training Director and a member of the Child First Clinical Leadership Team, Dr. Killmeyer provides oversight and direction to all members of the Child First Training Team. In addition, she works collaboratively with the CEO, National Clinical Officer, and State/Regional Clinical Directors to operationalize systems and training procedures for national replication of Child First. She has spent decades in the service of young children and their families: she participated in the development of a cross-systems project to identify, refer, and treat depressed caregivers of children in a large urban Part C Early Intervention System, developed trainings for early intervention service providers to understand the unique needs of infants and toddlers in foster care and their families, and most recently conducted research targeting toddlers and their families at-risk for or who have an autism spectrum disorder. Dr. Killmeyer holds a Ph.D. from the University of Pittsburgh, with specialized content area expertise in Early Intervention/Early Childhood Special Education. She also possesses a BS in Psychology, and a M.Ed. in Early Intervention, all from the University of Pittsburgh.