Update on Chronic Homelessness Efforts in Connecticut


Hello everyone,

Through the strong coordinated efforts underway across the state, we are on track to advance our shared goal of ending all chronic homelessness (the long-term homelessness of those with severe disabilities) by the end of 2018. Together, through the Reaching Home Campaign, we have permanently housed more than 2,371 Connecticut residents who have been identified as chronically homeless since 2015.

In our final push, we’re working closely with the Coordinated Access Networks (CANs) to ensure that we’re deploying existing resources efficiently, using real-time data to improve performance, and connecting communities for group problem-solving and knowledge sharing.

With your help, we’re taking some additional steps to support the progress on our benchmarks for ending chronic homelessness in the state:

  • In July, CCEH and PSC began convening the Housing Captains meetings again once a month in New Haven, to streamline the housing process and break down any barriers standing in the way of meeting our goal of ending chronic homelessness by 2018.
  • In September, the Housing Captains will join the Homeless Outreach Team leads at their quarterly meeting to discuss strategies to increase collaboration between outreach and providers within each CAN.
  • Starting in September, we will be conducting regular calls with Homeless Outreach staff.
  • The state level Core Vision leadership team will begin reconvening every 2 weeks to assist in coordinating regional work, removing barriers, and adding supports as needed to meet our goals.
  • The Progressive Engagement Taskforce has been working to develop a framework to optimize existing housing resources and ensure people who experience homelessness have the resources and support they need to find and maintain their housing.
  • In addition, we’ve begun to engage in the planning and data work necessary to help us prevent chronic homelessness.

To increase momentum, the Reaching Home Campaign will also be sending out monthly progress reports to keep everyone informed of our progress on the major benchmarks across the CANs, which include the following:

  • 100% of those verified as chronically homeless will be housed or matched to housing.
  • An average of 30 days from assessment to verification of chronic homelessness.
  • All individuals who are chronically homeless are housed within 90 days from the point of verification. 
  • No more than 3 individuals per CAN will be verified as chronically homeless and not yet housed at day 91 past verification.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Sarah Fox at CCEH at sfox@cceh.org or Danielle Hubley at PSC at Danielle@pschousing.org.

Thank you,

Alicia Woodsby, MSW | Executive Director | Partnership for Strong Communities
Steve DiLella | Director, Individual and Family Programs | Deparment of Housing
Mary Ann Haley | Deputy Director | Connecticut Coalition to End Homelessness
Kim Karanda | Director of Statewide Services | Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services
Christi Staples | Director, New England | Corporation for Supportive Housing