Outreach and Engagement
Outreach plays an important role in the CT Coordinated Access system because it helps to bring in clients who are often the most challenging to engage. With nine months to go on Zero: 2016 and to end chronic homelessness in Connecticut, outreach can play a key role in bringing those with lasting homelessness back into the system. These individuals are more likely to spend more nights on the street, they often have more disabling mental health challenges, but often do not have medical records, they are often much more reluctant to discuss issues related to their health. they have language and cultural barriers
- Unsheltered Toolkit
A toolkit for providers addressing unsheltered homelessness created by the Corporation for Supportive Housing. - PATH Street Outreach Video Series Discussion Guide
- Assessing the Evidence: What We Know about Outreach and Engagement
- Tips for Outreach Workers
- Expanding Medicaid to Low‐Income Childless Adults under Health Reform: Key Lessons from State Experiences
- 5 Thoughts on Street Outreach to Housing
Connecticut Outreach Programs:
- Projects for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness (PATH) Program
- The Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services
- Youth Continuum
- Bridges Healthcare
For more information on Outreaching to Homeless and Unstably Housed Youth and Young Adults, visit the youth and young adults resource page here.
Outreach & Engagement Webinar
Best Practices
- Coordinating outreach among the outreach providers in your community is key to maintaining a dynamic list. Outreach can be used to build your by-name list and to work your list.
- Training outreach workers to serve as housing navigators will increase efficiency of housing placement and coordination of service.
- Case conferencing and access to the list is critical to keeping it updated, reducing duplication, and ensuring accountability to each individual on your list.