Special Session Action Alert:

Preserve Critical Resources to End Homelessness and Increase Affordable Housing

Tell Legislative Leadership:

  • Hello, my name is _________ and I am a (constituent, homeless service provider, advocate, etc.) I support funding for critical housing and homelessness services and supports.

  • We are making important progress in Connecticut: we’ve had four years in a row of declining homelessness in our state. Ending homelessness saves lives, saves public funds, and improves our communities.

  • I am calling today to ask (Senator _____, or Representative _____)
    to preserve the DOH Housing and Homelessness line item at $74M, the DMHAS housing supports and Services line item at $23M, and the community Investment Act funds at DOH for the Coordinated Access Networks. DOH and DMHAS are critical to move people from homelessness to housing and keeping them stably housed.

  • Also, people preserve bond funidng for the Homeless Prevention and Response fund, the Housing Trust Fund and Affordable Housing Flex Fund. These funds are used to create affordable and supportive units that are necessary to our efforts of ending all homelessness in Connecticut.

In addition, Democrat and Republican legislative budgets have proposed consolidating the Department of Housing into DECD for $197,000 savings.

Tell Legislative Leadership: Preserve the Department of Housing, which brings clear value to Connecticut. DOH’s targeted investments and leadership have been central to our success to date. The $197,000 saved by consolidating DOH is far outweighed by the value the state will lose.

Call Now!

Rep. Joe Aresimowicz
Speaker of the House
860-240-8535 Joe.Aresimowicz@cga.ct.gov
Senator Martin Looney
D – President Pro Temp
860-240-8614 Looney@senatedems.ct.gov
Senator Bob Duff
Senate Majority Leader
860-240-0414 Duff@senatedems.ct.gov
Senator Cathy Osten
D-Co-Chair Appropriations
860-240-0579 Osten@senatedems.ct.gov
Senator Len Fasano
R-President Pro Temp
860-240-8871 Len.Fasano@cga.ct.gov
Rep. Matt Ritter
House Majority Leader
860-240-8489 Matthew.Ritter@cga.ct.gov
Senator Paul Formica
R-Co-Chair Appropriations
860-240-8371 Paul.Formica@cga.ct.gov
Rep. Toni Walker
D-Co-Chair Appropriations
860-240-0394 Toni.Walker@cga.ct.gov
Rep. Themis Klarides
House Minority Leader
860-240-8384 Themis.Klarides@housegop.ct.gov
Senator Kevin Witkos
R-Deputy President Pro Tempore
860-240-0436 Kevin.Witkos@cga.ct.gov
Rep. Melissa Ziobron
R- Ranking Member Appropriations
860-240-8398 Melissa.Ziobron@housegop.gov

For more information contact Cindy Dubuque at cindy@pschousing.org or Sarah Fox at sfox@cceh.org.