Universal COVID-19 Testing in Shelters: Learning from the Experience of Hartford’s The Open Hearth

Wednesday, May 27, 2020 1:30pm-2:30pm Register Here The new normal for shelter providers in our state will include systematic COVID-19 testing, isolating and cohorting residents, and operating at lower capacity. Shelter providers in Connecticut can learn from the experience of the Open Hearth, the first shelter in Connecticut to implement systematic COVID-19 testing. Executive Director […]

Hotels to Homes: Rapidly Housing from Hotels During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Thursday, June 4, 2020 12:00pm-1:00pm Register Here The Housing First principle is vital now more than ever due to the COVID-19 pandemic spreading throughout the country, forcing people to socially distance, isolate, and quarantine themselves. With shelters expanding to hotels during the statewide decompression process, shelter providers now have added layers to navigate through in […]

Working with Landlords to Rapidly House Successfully: Recruiting, Engaging and Retaining

Wednesday, June 24, 2020 1:00pm-2:00pm Register Here Connecticut is a ‘Housing First’ state; we believe that homelessness should be ‘rare, brief, and non-recurring’. In order to do this successfully it is essential to have an extensive network of landlords to help identify housing options. This webinar will emphasize the importance of landlord engagement and the […]

Update on the Status of Evictions in Connecticut During the COVID-19 Crisis

New Webinar Scheduled on Evictions During COVID-19 CCEH has partnered with the CT Fair Housing Center, Connecticut Legal Services, and CT Department of Housing to provide you with an “Update on the Status of Evictions in Connecticut During the COVID-19 Crisis”. This webinar will be held on Thursday, June 25th from 2:30pm-3:30pm, and will discuss […]

Addressing Racialized Trauma and Actively Engaging in Anti-Racism

Racism permeates every institution and is a key issue that must be addressed within the homeless response system. Many of the people we work with who are experiencing homelessness as well as our fellow colleagues have racialized experiences that impact their everyday lives. As we work to ensure our programs and services are trauma informed, […]

Components of an Effective Outreach System

Outreach plays a vital role in ending homelessness because it helps to bring clients into the homeless system that may not normally enter the homeless system. With the pandemic that we are currently going through it is more important than ever to engage people experiencing homelessness who may be disconnected and alienated not only from […]

How Vulnerable is the Homeless Population to COVID-19? Results from a National Study

The US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE), recently completed analysis of electronic health records (EHR) for individuals with indications of a history of homelessness. Using EHR data, the research describes the prevalence rates of chronic health conditions among more than 50,000 individuals experiencing […]

Reading Between the Data

The importance of analyzing data is paramount to understanding not only how well your programs are functioning, but also in examining any racial disparities that may exist. This webinar will discuss tips on how to explore the quality of your HMIS data, the importance of reviewing and ‘cleaning’ your data regularly, general best practices in the […]

Components of an Effective Outreach System (Session 2)

Register Here Outreach plays a vital role in ending homelessness because it helps to bring clients into the homeless system that may not normally enter the homeless system. With the pandemic that we are currently going through it is more important than ever to engage people experiencing homelessness who may be disconnected and alienated not […]

Housing Stability for People and their Pets

Register Here This webinar will focus on the importance of keeping pets with their families and the unnecessary trauma separation can cause amidst an already stressful housing crisis. The CT Humane Society will be joining us for this webinar and will discuss the importance of compassion, what it takes to be a good pet owner, […]