Shelter Diversion training

Shelter Diversion Training Tuesday, September 17 - Thomaston, CT Shelter Diversion is a strategy that prevents homelessness at the front door by helping people identify immediate, alternative housing arrangements to shelter and, if necessary, connecting them with services and financial assistance to help them return to permanent housing. Diversion programs can reduce the number of households […]

Shelter Diversion training

Shelter Diversion is a strategy that prevents homelessness at the front door by helping people identify immediate, alternative housing arrangements to shelter and, if necessary, connecting them with services and financial assistance to help them return to permanent housing. Diversion programs can reduce the number of households becoming homeless, the demand for shelter beds, and the […]

SPDAT Training

The SPDAT, or Service-Prioritization-Decision-Assistance-Tool, is an evidence-informed approach to assessing the acuity of an individual’s or family’s homelessness. The tool is used to help case workers and service providers prioritize who to serve next based on their need and identify the areas in the person/family’s life where support is most likely necessary in order to avoid […]

What’s Your ID IQ?

CCEH has partnered up with the Center for Children's Advocacy to provide helpful tips for providers working with people to obtain identification for their clients, whether it be a Department of Motor Vehicles ID, a replacement birth certificate, or social security card. We'll also discuss obtaining IDs for specific populations like people in re-entry, unaccompanied […]

Motivational Interviewing Two-day Intensive

These two days of fast paced interactive learning will provide you with foundational knowledge and skills to use Motivational Interviewing (MI) with your clients. Across a broad range of care settings, being able to successfully engage and harness clients own motivations for making important life changes are key elements for success. The most efficient way […]

Rapid Re-Housing Crash Course

This crash course training will cover the philosophy of rapid re-housing, and fundamentals including, housing navigation, understanding rapid re-housing forms, connecting to employment services, housing stability, and more. Join us for this 3-hour intensive. Register Here

Housing Inventory Chart (HIC) Verification/Update Webinar for PIT 2020

We will be discussing the process for verifying and updating HIC data into the PIT Database, which will be open from 11/5-11/21.  This is a mandatory webinar for all REGIONAL COORDINATORS and PROGRAM CONTACTS. It will be recorded for those who are absolutely unable to attend. Also, if you have staff who did not participate […]

Utilizing Harm Reduction: Understanding Opioid Use Disorder and Overdose Prevention

Connecticut Coalition to End Homelessness has partnered up with the CT Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services to offer the 3rd annual "Meeting the Needs of Your Clients: Building Competencies in Mental Health and Addiction Services" webinar series. This first webinar will feature Shawn Lang from AIDS CT, and will provide steps on reducing […]

Safe and Fair Housing for People with Disabilities

People with disabilities can encounter a number of barriers when experiencing homelessness and seeking permanent housing, including discrimination, housing/shelter within limited accessibility, and more. This training will address common barriers faced by this group as well as ways housing and homelessness providers and programs can address them. Additionally, attendees will learn cultural competencies in working […]

Shelter Diversion 2.0 training

Shelter Diversion is a strategy that prevents homelessness at the front door by helping people identify immediate, alternative housing arrangements to shelter and, if necessary, connecting them with services and financial assistance to help them return to permanent housing. Diversion programs can reduce the number of households becoming homeless, the demand for shelter beds, and […]