Safe and Fair Housing for People with Disabilities

People with disabilities can encounter a number of barriers when experiencing homelessness and seeking permanent housing, including discrimination, housing/shelter within limited accessibility, and more. This training will address common barriers faced by this group as well as ways housing and homelessness providers and programs can address them. Additionally, attendees will learn cultural competencies in working […]

Shelter Diversion 2.0 training

Shelter Diversion is a strategy that prevents homelessness at the front door by helping people identify immediate, alternative housing arrangements to shelter and, if necessary, connecting them with services and financial assistance to help them return to permanent housing. Diversion programs can reduce the number of households becoming homeless, the demand for shelter beds, and […]

Accessing Behavioral Health Services and Recovery Supports for the Latinx Population

This webinar is the second webinar of the "Meeting the Needs of Your Clients: Building Competencies in Mental Health and Addiction Services" webinar series. We are proud to have Erika Cruz, from the DMHAS Office of the Commissioner, Evidence-based Practices Division, joining us for this webinar to discuss behavioral health and recovery resources readily available […]

Shelter Diversion 101 training

Shelter Diversion is a strategy that prevents homelessness at the front door by helping people identify immediate, alternative housing arrangements to shelter and, if necessary, connecting them with services and financial assistance to help them return to permanent housing. Diversion programs can reduce the number of households becoming homeless, the demand for shelter beds, and the […]

Supervising Shelter Diversion training

This training will discuss the tools needed to help your staff succeed in shelter diversion. Best practices for discussion will be how often/how to provide supervision to Diversion Specialists to reduce burn out, how to create a comfortable and safe space for staff and clients, further professional developments that will support diversion staff growth and where […]

Supporting the Road to Recovery

This webinar is the third webinar of the "Meeting the Needs of Your Clients: Building Competencies in Mental Health and Addiction Services" webinar series. We are proud to have Michaela Fissel from Advocacy Unlimited and her team joining us for this webinar to discuss recovery support and the Hearing Voices Network and Bridger programs. Register […]

Safe and Fair Housing for People with Disabilities

People with disabilities can encounter a number of barriers when experiencing homelessness and seeking permanent housing, including discrimination, housing/shelter within limited accessibility, and more. This training will address common barriers faced by this group as well as ways housing and homelessness providers and programs can address them. During this training, we will also discuss fair […]

Administering the VI-SPDAT and Next Step Tool

The VI-SPDAT, or Vulnerability Index-Service Prioritization Assessment Tool, is a pre-screen triage tool for single adults. The Next Step Tool, or TAY-VI-SPDAT, is a version of the VI-SPDAT that is tailored for youth and young adults in the age range of 24 and under or "Transitional Age Youth." This training will cover how to administer the VI-SPDAT […]

Accessing Developmental Services in Connecticut

Many of those we work with are in need of developmental services, yet navigating the path to connecting with those resources can pose some challenges. This webinar will bring together an expert from the CT Department of Developmental Services and a homeless services provider who is seasoned in connecting household with DDS services, to walk […]

Effective Skills for De-Escalation

This training will help you to apply verbal skills to help de-escalate risky situations. You will learn what activates agitation and anger, and dos and donts to effectively reduce those behaviors. These skills can assist you to safely deal with clients in difficult situations. Register Here