CCEH’s Quarterly Change Institute: Working for Economic Security and Solutions to Homelessness 3/27
CCEH is pleased to announce our next Quarterly Change Institute: Working for Economic Security and Solutions to Homelessness
Accessing and stabilizing employment and income are just as critical to preventing and ending homelessness as efforts to find and retain housing. Economic security must not be an afterthought.
Through creativity and partnerships, communities can integrate employment assistance into their daily work without creating additional burdens in the heavy workload of those fighting at the front lines of homelessness. Innovative and effective initiatives focused on income growth and employment for some of the most vulnerable populations are already underway in Connecticut.
Our next Quarterly Change Institute will highlight promising practices, explore the development of cross-sector partnerships at the local level, and provide support for a planning process that promotes:
• Linkages between the workforce training and housing assistance systems
• Targeting of employment and workforce resources to individuals with severe housing instability
• Employer engagement to expand job opportunities
• Incentives for working and maintaining access to healthcare, housing assistance, childcare, and other benefits
• Access to opportunities that encourage persons with disabilities to return to work, such as Ticket to Work, HomeWork, and SSI/SSDI Outreach, Access, and Recovery (SOAR)
Please join us on Wednesday, March 27, 2013 from 8:30am to 12pm at the Lyceum Resource and Conference Center, 227 Lawrence Street, Hartford, as CCEH, the Partnership for Strong Communities, the CT Women’s Education and Legal Fund and representatives from the Opening Doors CT Economic Security Workgroup present this important session.
This is the first of two statewide events focused on Economic Security. Please save the date of June 25th from 8:30am -11:30am for an iForum at the Lyceum in Hartford for an additional session focused on this important topic.
This Change Institute event is complimentary, registration is required, seating is limited.