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Workshop Slides
Session A
- An Overview of the System Redesign hosted by DOH and Housing Innovations
- My Town Cares: Ending Homelessness at the Municipal Level Through Effective Partnerships
- Strengthening and Sustaining Relationships with Landlords
- Cross Sector Collaboration: Aging In Place
- Connecting Youth to Services
- Cross Sector Collaboration: Domestic Violence
Session B
- Coordinated Entry Assessment and the Transfer to By-Name-List Version 2
- Cross Sector Collaboration: Workforce Development
- Equal Access – Creating an Affirming Environment for LGTBQ Individuals
Session C
- Protecting Clients: An Overview of Fair Housing Policy
- Protecting Clients: An Overview of Fair Housing Policy (2)
- Low Barrier and Housing Focused Shelters
- Low Barrier and Housing Focused Shelters (2)
Panelist Directory
Session | Workshop | First Name | Last Name | Organization | |
A | Connecting Youth to Services | Stacey | Violante-Cote | Center for Children’s Advocacy | SViolante@cca-ct.org |
A | Connecting Youth to Services | Lindsay | Fabrizio | Opening Doors Fairfield County (ODFC) & CT 503 CoC | lindsay@thehousingcollective.org |
A | Connecting Youth to Services | Angel | Cotto | Youth Action Hub | |
A | Connecting Youth to Services | Kaylynn | Nogowczyk | Mental Health CT | KNogowczyk@mhconn.org> |
A | Connecting Youth to Services | Kathleen | Durand | DOH | Kathleen.Durand@ct.gov |
A | Right to Housing – What’s Next? | Saud | Anwar | State Senator | Saud.Anwar@cga.ct.gov |
A | Right to Housing – What’s Next? | Matthew | Morgan | Journey Home | Matt.Morgan@JourneyHomeCT.org |
A | Right to Housing – What’s Next? | Stephen | Kennedy | People's Parity Project | stephen.kennedy@uconn.edu |
A | Right to Housing – What’s Next? | Christie | Stewart | The Housing Collective | Christie@thehousingcollective.org |
A | Cross Sector Collaboration: Domestic Violence | Annie | Stockton-Sabrowski | CCADV | asabrowski@ctcadv.org |
A | Cross Sector Collaboration: Domestic Violence | Kelly | Annelli | CCADV | kannelli@ctcadv.org |
A | Cross Sector Collaboration: Aging In Place | Lara | Stauning | Department of Aging and Disability Services, State Unit on Aging | lara.stauning@ct.gov |
A | Cross Sector Collaboration: Aging In Place | Jennifer | Switalski | CT State Unit on Aging | jennifer.switalski@ct.gov |
A | Cross Sector Collaboration: Aging In Place | Nancy | Becker | Hartford HealthCare Center for Healthy Aging | nancy.becker@hhchealth.org |
A | Cross Sector Collaboration: Aging In Place | Erin | Leavitt-Smith | DMHAS | Erin.Leavitt-Smith@ct.gov |
A | Cross Sector Collaboration: Aging In Place | Alison | Dvorak | Senior Resources Agency on Aging | advorak@seniorresourcesec.org |
A | Cross Sector Collaboration: Aging In Place | Dorian | Long | DSS | dorian.long@ct.gov |
A | Cross Sector Collaboration: Aging In Place | Laurene | Gomez | DMHAS | laurene.gomez@ct.gov |
A | Strengthening and Sustaining Relationships with Landlords | Kanisha | Newman | Journey Home | kanisha.newman@JourneyHomeCT.org |
A | Strengthening and Sustaining Relationships with Landlords | Cathy | Zall | NLHHC | |
A | An Overview of the Shelter Redesign hosted by DOH and Housing Innovations | Steve | DiLella | DOH | Steve.DiLella@ct.gov |
A | My Town Cares: Ending Homelessness at the Municipal Level Through Effective Partnerships | Jennifer | Paradis | Beth-El Center | |
A | My Town Cares: Ending Homelessness at the Municipal Level Through Effective Partnerships | Lesley | Darling | Town of Milford | ldarling@milfordct.gov |
A | My Town Cares: Ending Homelessness at the Municipal Level Through Effective Partnerships | Lynn | Stoddard | Sustainable CT | lynns@sustainablect.org |
A | An Overview of the System Redesign hosted by DOH and Housing Innovations | Suzanne | Wagner | Housing Innovations | SWAGNER@HOUSINGINNOVATIONS.US |
A | Strengthening and Sustaining Relationships with Landlords | Anastacia | Woolcock | New Opportunities | awoolcock@newoppinc.org |
B | Coordinated Entry Assessment and the Transfer to By-Name-List Version 2 | Kara | Zichichi | DOH | kara.zichichi@ct.gov |
B | Coordinated Entry Assessment and the Transfer to By-Name-List Version 3 | Beau | Anderson | DOH | beau.anderson@ct.gov |
B | Engaging Communities to Improve Outreach | Caroline | Perez | Columbus House | cperez@columbushouse.org |
B | Engaging Communities to Improve Outreach | Gabrielle | Padila | The Housing Collective | gabrielle@thehousingcollective.org |
B | Engaging Communities to Improve Outreach | Margaret | LeFever | United Way of Greater New Haven | mlefever@uwgnh.org |
B | Engaging Communities to Improve Outreach | Franchesca | Wedderburn | Youth Continuum | fwedderburn@youthcontinuum.org |
B | Make Your Voice Heard! Effective Legislative Advocacy | Miguel | Castro | CT Hispanic and Democratic Caucus | |
B | Make Your Voice Heard! Effective Legislative Advocacy | Peter | Harrison | Desegregate CT | pete@desegregatect.org |
B | Make Your Voice Heard! Effective Legislative Advocacy | Anderson | Curtis | ACLU | acurtis@acluct.org |
B | Addressing Homelessness as a Public Health Crisis | Saud | Anwar | Saud.Anwar@cga.ct.gov | |
B | Addressing Homelessness as a Public Health Crisis | Danya | Keene | Yale School of Public Health | danya.keene@yale.edu |
B | Addressing Homelessness as a Public Health Crisis | Mehul | Dalal | City of New Haven | MDalal@newhavenct.gov |
B | Cross Sector Collaboration: Workforce Development | Kelly | Fitzgerald | United Way of Greater New Haven | kfitzgerald@uwgnh.org |
B | Cross Sector Collaboration: Workforce Development | Chris | Venable | Journey Home | Chris.Venable@JourneyHomeCT.org |
B | Cross Sector Collaboration: Workforce Development | Kathleen | Durand | DOH | Kathleen.Durand@ct.gov |
B | Cross Sector Collaboration: Workforce Development | Rochelle | Currie | The Connection | rcurrie@theconnectioninc.og |
B | Cross Sector Collaboration: Workforce Development | Silvia | Moscariello | Liberty Community Services | smoscariello@libertycs.org |
B | Cross Sector Collaboration: Workforce Development | Adriana | Rocca | Inspirica, Inc. | arocca@inspiricact.org |
B | Equal Access – Creating an Affirming Environment for LGTBQ Individuals | Rashida | Rattray | CT Fair Housing Center | rrattray@ctfairhousing.org |
B | Equal Access – Creating an Affirming Environment for LGTBQ Individuals | Tenaya | Taylor | Non-Profit Accountability Group | hartfordetc@gmail.com> |
B | Equal Access – Creating an Affirming Environment for LGTBQ Individuals | Leigh | Shields-Church | Department of Housing | Leigh.Shields-Church@ct.gov |
C | Race Equity and Homelessness – The Story the Data Tells | Lisa | Quach | Journey Home | Lisa.Quach@JourneyHomeCT.org |
C | Race Equity and Homelessness – The Story the Data Tells | Margaret | Middleton | Columbus House | mmiddleton@columbushouse.org |
C | Race Equity and Homelessness – The Story the Data Tells | Tashmia | Bryant | NAEH | tbryant@naeh.org |
C | Race Equity and Homelessness – The Story the Data Tells | Jenita | Hayes | Thought Partner Solutions | Jenita@thoughtps.com |
C | Successful Re-entry Pathways to Housing | Susan | Gunderman | City of Hartford | Susan.Gunderman@Hartford.gov |
C | Successful Re-entry Pathways to Housing | Michael | Aiello | Court Support Services Division | Michael.Aiello@jud.ct.gov |
C | Successful Re-entry Pathways to Housing | Damares | Reyes | U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development Office of Public Housing | Damares.reyes@hud.gov |
C | Protecting Clients: An Overview of Fair Housing Policy | Rashida | Rattray | CT Fair Housing Center | rrattray@ctfairhousing.org |
C | Low Barrier and Housing Focused Shelters | Deidre | Houlihan-Dicara | FISH Friends in Service to Northwestern CT | ddicara@fishnwct.org |
C | Low Barrier and Housing Focused Shelters | Avery | Lenhart | Windham No Freeze | windham.nofreeze@gmail.com |