Advocacy Alert: Call/Email your Legislators Today!
We believe that legislators will be caucusing on the budget this week. As they get closer to a deal, let’s make sure that Housing and Homeless Services are a priority!
Democrat Legislative Leaders are negotiating with the Governor as we write this, and the Senate Democrats will be caucusing the revised budget proposal tomorrow. There is a planned house session for this Thursday. NOW is the time to advocate that Housing and Homeless Services are a priority.
Please take two minutes to make a call/email your legislators today!
Ask your legislator to:
- Please Preserve the funding in the Housing/Homeless Line item in the Department of Housing.
- Preserve the funding in the Housing Supports Line Item in the Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services.
- Preserve the state’s Homeless Youth Program.
- Preserve critically needed resources for the Coordinated Access Networks- largely funded through Community Investment Act Dollars (CIA).
- Preserve the Department of Housing. DOH as a stand-alone Department has been critical to our success in ending homelessness.
- Cutting these resources will have major repercussions across communities — including on our emergency services, hospitals, and first responders — especially at a time when Connecticut cannot afford extra costs.
- Thank you for working so diligently on the issues of homelessness and housing! Please continue to fight for people experiencing homelessness.
Be sure to thank your legislator for the work they have done to keep Housing and Homeless Services intact.
Please Click Here for the contact information for your legislator.
Please contact Sarah Fox ( and Sean Ghio at ( to relay and updates from your conversations with legislators and legislative aides.
Thank you for your continued support, and all your efforts and advocacy towards ending homelessness in Connecticut!