The National Alliance to End Homelessness:
2017 National Conference on Ending Homelessness
CCEH staff and colleagues from across Connecticut attended the National Alliance to End Homelessness Annual Conference in Washington, D.C. July 17-20.
NAEH leadership highlighted Connecticut’s great work throughout the conference – CCEH staff presented in multiple sessions, demonstrating that Connecticut is a leader in the field and that we are advancing the model for ending homelessness.
We feature, below, summaries from CCEH highlighting some of the conference’s best sessions on cutting-edge issues of interest in efforts to end homelessness.
Capitol Hill Day
The Connecticut Delegation met with senate and congressional staffers to push for a legislative agenda to end homelessness
Promoting Resiliency and Positive Outcomes for Young Children
How can homeless services providers – who face funding limitations and must focus on housing and shelter – best meet the needs of these children and help them achieve positive outcomes?
Using Data and Visualization to Improve Communication and Planning
Brian Roccapriore presents Connecticut’s Coordinated Entry data and visualization tools with other communities as a best practice pioneered in our state.
The Child Welfare Systems’ Vital Role in Ending Youth Homelessness
DC Child & Family Services presented on a innovative pilot working to end youth and family homelessness which may have promising results.
Revising & Strengthening the Federal Strategic Plan to Prevent & End Homelessness
The United States Interagency Council on Homelessness (USICH) has helped make strides in ending homelessness and continues to develop and plan to improve care and make progress.
A Shifted Landscape: Undocumented & Documented Immigrants
Shelters and housing programs across Connecticut & the nation are working to respond to the changing legal and policy landscape related to undocumented immigrants. Learn more about your non-profits and program’s legal rights and opportunities to be advocates for your clients.
Rapid Re-Housing Takeaways from NAEH 2017
There were several important workshops at the conference from national leaders in Rapid Re-Housing with takeaways that can improve services in Connecticut.
Systems Performance Measures: The Fundamentals of Improving your System
System Performance Measures assess several metrics in a homelessness system to determine if people’s experiences are rare, brief, and nonrecurring.
The Evolving Role of Emergency Shelter & Crisis Housing
The role of shelters has changed since the introduction of Coordinated Entry and Rapid Re-Housing. As we work to make homelessness a rare and brief occurrence, the roles of shelters are changing.