CCEH represents more than 100 members working together to ensure that homelessness is rare, brief and non-recurring by 2023. Our legislative agenda calls for policy change to advance housing justice and is rooted in our belief that homelessness is unacceptable and the result of income inequality, broken public systems, and institutional racism.
Legislative Priorities
Establish a Right to Housing in Connecticut
Connecticut can be the first state in the country to establish a Right to Housing. CCEH supports requiring state agencies to and establish systems to prevent evictions and housing loss, fully fund the homelessness response system, and provide relief for people who are severely rent-burdened so that everyone has access to a safe and stable home.
Protect People from Discrimination and Abuse
Connecticut must ensure that our laws and policies protect people—especially in communities of color—from housing discrimination and abuses. No one should be denied housing because of their homelessness status or because of a decade-old criminal record. The Right to Housing legislation would extend fair housing protections to people experiencing homelessness. CCEH supports legislation that would prevent landlords from pursuing blanket denials of housing on the basis of a criminal record.
Protect and Uphold Front-line Essential Workers
Connecticut must ensure that front-line homeless service staff are at the forefront of the state’s pandemic response. Front-line workers who staff shelters, Coordinated Access, homeless outreach, and housing navigation and case management services are putting their lives on the line every day to keep our most vulnerable residents safe. CCEH supports providing these essential workers with livable wages, hazard pay, benefits, priority access for PPE, and professional supports and development opportunities to help them grow and thrive in the workforce. Please click here for additional information about S.B. 340.
Shutting the Revolving Door between Homelessness and Prisons
Connecticut must expand housing opportunities for people involved with the criminal justice system. As part of criminal justice reform, criminal justice agencies must identify, prevent and address homelessness among inmates, parolees and probationers by giving them the tools and accountability to ensure that every returning citizen has a stable home as the foundation for a second chance. CCEH supports the creation of a ‘reentry housing assistance’ line item within the DOC budget and appropriate no less than $2 million annually into this line item.
Adequate Funding for Front-line Homeless Services
Connecticut must enact a law requiring state agencies to ensure that funding levels for homelessness and housing assistance services reflect the true cost of services delivery. CCEH supports ensuring that state (DOH/DMHAS) contracts to non-profit homeless services programs are funded at levels that reflect the true cost of services to pay adequate wages to frontline and direct services staff.
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