Webinar Registration

May 01, 2020

Register Now: Webinar Series on the Monitor, Care, and Isolation of Persons with COVID-19 in Shelter and Hotels

Although Connecticut may have prevented outbreaks of COVID-19 among our sheltered homeless population, it is inevitable that some people experiencing homelessness in shelters and hotels will be found to have COVID-19. We have heard many questions about the appropriate ways to monitor, care for, and safely isolate people with COVID-19 who are currently in shelter and hotel settings. To help answer these questions, CCEH is holding a two-part webinar series on this topic.

Part 1 of this webinar series will take place on Monday, May 4 and will feature a presentation by and Q&A with officials from the Connecticut Department of Public Health. The presentation will cover the latest DPH COVID-19 guidance for shelter providers on how to monitor, isolate, access testing, and care for COVID positive individuals in shelters and hotels.

Part 2 of the webinar series will take place the following week (exact date and time TBD) and will feature speakers from the New London Homeless Hospitality Center and Community Health Center, Inc. to talk about how they have developed and are following recommended COVID-19 protocols within the shelter and hotel sites where they are serving individuals.



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During the COVID-19 crisis it is extremely important that service providers and health providers are working together. This webinar will cover the latest DPH COVID-19 guidance for shelters providers on how to access testing through the state lab, workflows for hospital discharge of homeless individuals, workflows for monitoring, isolating, testing, and caring for COVID positive individuals in shelters and hotels, including housekeeping and more.