16th Annual Training Institute

Uniting Communities To End Homelessness

May 17th, 2018
7:45 AM – 4:30 PM
Connecticut Convention Center
100 Columbus Blvd, Hartford, CT 06103

The Annual Training Institute (ATI) is Connecticut’s premier capacity-building event for organizations working to prevent and end homelessness. At this event, CCEH provides training and information on best practices, national and state-level policy changes, and changes in major systems as they relate to ending homelessness.

Thanks to the tireless work of frontline providers and homeless advocates, Connecticut has been recognized nationally for our shared success ending homelessness for our most vulnerable individuals. At the 2018 Annual Training Institute we will once again come together to discuss best practices, provide trainings and work together to end homelessness.

Schedule of the Day

Check-in & Continental Breakfast (7:45-8:45am)
Morning Program (8:45-9:20am)
Session A (9:30-10:45am)
Session B (11:00am-12:15pm)
Lunch Program (12:30-2:20pm)
Session C (2:30-3:45pm)
Networking Reception (3:45-4:30pm)

Keynote Speaker

Dennis Culhane, PhD

Dr. Culhane’s primary area of research is homelessness and assisted housing policy. His research has contributed to efforts to address the housing and support needs of people experiencing housing emergencies and long-term homelessness.Dr. Culhane’s recent research includes studies of vulnerable youth and young adults, including those transitioning from foster care, juvenile justice, and residential treatment services. Dr. Culhane is the Director of Research for the National Center on Homelessness among Veterans at the United States Department of Veterans Affairs. Dr. Culhane co-directs the Intelligence for Social Policy initiative (ISP), a MacArthur-funded project to promote the development of integrated database systems by states and localities for policy analysis and systems reform.

Presentation: Dennis Culhane Presentation


Morning Speaker

Tammy Sneed







Tammy M. Sneed is the Director of Gender Responsive Adolescent Services for the Department of Children and Families (DCF), Division of Adolescent and Juvenile Justice Services.  As a national expert with over 25-years of experience on Female-Responsive Programming for adolescent girls, she specializes in programming for youth in the legal system. She has developed and implemented a training model educating local and state police departments on how to work with adolescent girls with a focus on trauma; resulting in significant arrest reductions. As the lead of the Girls’ Provider Network she has lead DCF in the development of a set of female-responsive program guidelines to guide providers in working with adolescent girls. Also a foster/ adoptive mother she has developed specialized training for mentors, foster and adoptive parents and served as a mentor for forever families parenting adolescent girls.  Over the last several years Tammy has focused her efforts on a national crisis, Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking (DMST). Tammy directs Connecticut’s HART (Human Anti-trafficking Response Team) focused on a coordinated and collaborative response to eradicate child trafficking.  Tammy co-leads the Governor’s Task Force on Justice for Abused Children; with oversight of the 17 Multidisciplinary Teams and Children’s Advocacy Centers across Connecticut charged with investigating and responding to cases of severe physical and sexual abuse of children including DMST.

Presentation: Tammy Sneed Presentation

Tracks & Workshops

Below you will find a list of the seven different tracks we will be offering at the Annual Training Institute this year.

Building School-Community Collaboration
This track will focus how schools and communities can come together to create and strengthen their partnerships and work towards ending homelessness. Innovative collaborations that help us move towards helping individuals and families in a housing crisis in our communities will be the emphasis of this track.

Ending Family Homelessness
This track will focus on new strategies for rapid re-housing, client engagement and how to utilize data in our efforts to end family homelessness by 2020.

Ending Youth Homelessness
This track will emphasize creative solutions for identifying and engaging youth and innovative ideas for programmatic solutions to help youth thrive in their environment.

Transforming Our Systems of Care
This track will focus on refining our current system. Workshops will include topics on Rapid Re-housing,  responding to medical and behavioral health emergencies in the field, and more.

Using Data To End Homelessness
This track will explore the various ways we can use data to work towards ending homelessness.

Focusing on Highly Vulnerable Populations
This track will focus housing individuals who may have been victims of sexual assault and domestic violence, trafficking, and individuals who have struggled with substance abuse.

Engaging Partners To End Homelessness
This track will focus on how we can engage with our partners to work towards ending homelessness.

Thank you to our generous Sponsors!

Presenting Sponsor:

Track Sponsor:

Workshop Sponsors:

Partnering Sponsors:


Supporting Sponsors:
Connecticut Housing Coalition
Connecticut Natural Gas Company
Corporation for Supportive Housing
Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services
Department of Social Services
New Reach, Inc.
Nutmeg Consulting LLC
Partnership for Strong Communities

Friend Sponsors:
Chrysalis Center, Inc.
Community Renewal Team
Connecticut Department of Veterans’ Affairs
CT Coalition Against Domestic Violence, Inc.
Heritage Printers
Liberty Community Services
Supportive Housing Works, Inc.
The Connection, Inc.

Member Sponsors:
Always Home, Inc.
Beth-El Center, Inc.
BHcare, Inc.
Central Connecticut Coast YMCA
Christian Community Action, Inc.
City of Waterbury
Hands On Hartford
ImmaCare Inc.
Inspirica, Inc.
Laurel House, Inc.
Open Door Shelter, Inc.
Operation Hope of Fairfield, Inc.
Pacific House, Inc.
Recovery Network of Programs, Inc.
St. Vincent de Paul Middletown
Stonington Human Services
United Way of Greater New Haven
United Way of Southeastern Connecticut
Waterbury Youth Services, Inc.
Women’s Institute for Housing and Economic Development
Youth Continuum, Inc.
YWCA of the Hartford Region, Inc.